Sunday, December 28, 2014


I've never been one to make resolutions for the new year. Sure, I had goals, but I didn't deem them a new year's resolution. I think that was because I was afraid of failure. It was as if failing to meet my resolution meant the whole year was a waste. Now that I'm older, I see things differently, and this year, I'm making resolutions.

2015 is going to be a very busy year for me. I have just finished my graduate school program, and I will participate in my graduation ceremony in January. I'll be taking a two week road trip to Maine for the event, but more on that in January...

The new year will also see a wedding. My fiancé and I have been together for five years, and we're finally tying the knot. We're having a very low key destination beach wedding in Key West, but again, more on that in May. :) 

Finally, the new year will bring the final draft of Blood Lust, the novel I've been working on since 2009, so to speak. It's survived plot overhauls, character merges, and name changes, though, so it's hard to admit to it being the same novel I started penning so many years ago.

As I close the book on 2014, I'm left reminiscing about my achievements. I saw some of my best and worst times this year, and that only leaves me knowing that 2015 just may be my best one yet.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Never-Ending Battle: Traditional vs Self-Publishing

With my debut novel nearly complete, I've been contemplating whether or not to pursue traditional publishing (landing an agent, editor, publisher, and contract) or self-publishing (selling my work myself on websites such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, iBooks or in independent bookstores). 

There's no point in arguing that the traditional publishing market is a dying form and that self-publishing is steadily emerging. Both sides have pros and cons, but really, in my opinion, the better option is based on the writer. Self-published writers survive because of marketing, and often times, the marketing is done by the writer, not some fancy team the writer (or publisher) has hired. In self-publishing, the writer must have a knack for self-promotion--or the book will never reach its audience.

Thankfully, the negative connotation often associated with self-publishing is slowly diminishing, and more writers are turning toward this easier method of publication. The idea of making your own decisions is no longer the only perk. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Thesis Dilemma

When I accepted my graduate school acceptance (yes, you really do that), I didn't realize that completing my thesis would be the worst, most stressful time of my life. That's not something typically mentioned by the admissions representative. But it's an experience all master's students endure. While completing my thesis, I felt more stress, had more anxiety-fueled breakdowns, and shed more tears than any other moment I can remember.

Don't get me wrong: I love my graduate school program. I wouldn't take back my time there for anything. Given the chance, I wouldn't go back in time and choose another school. I would still apply, still attend, and still cry. After all, it's part of the process--the transition into the world of freelance, so to speak.

It's no secret that the career of a freelance writer is difficult. The business is competitive, cut-throat, and downright dirty. You need thick skin to make it out alive. I suppose that's why completing your thesis is such a difficult task. 

Actually writing the thesis was easy. After all, writing is what I want to do for my career. Formatting, packaging, and shipping my thesis to my graduate school, which happens to be 900 miles away, was the hard part.

I'm not one to speak poorly of another. I'm not one to place blame on another. But completing my thesis was just plain awful. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Let's Talk

I'm going to be honest: I'm not a blogger. I find blogging regularly way too difficult, but I'm going to give it my best shot. My plan is to blog twice a month. I'll aim for the first and the fifteenth, but I may stray from the schedule. As long as I stick with at least two posts a month, I'll feel pretty accomplished. :)

For my first blog post, I thought I'd take the typical route: a simple introduction. The links on my website will lead you to information about me, my books, and my editing work. But I keep it simple and to the point. There's a lot about me you'd never know. I figured there wouldn't be a more perfect time to air out my dirty laundry. ;)